Hi There!
I am glad you found my page! I am sure there are other websites out there with similar contents that are just as helpful. My intention is to use this site as a way for me to share my knowledge, tips and tricks on various subjects related to IT with people across the world. I hope you enjoy your time here and find this site helpful to you.
My name is Phuong Nguyen and I am a ServiceNow Administrator at Mattersight Corp. I have been in IT for about 3 years. Growing up, I have always had interest in Information Technology and working with computers in general. I love coding and went to college for a Computer Science degree. I like to play video games and hanging out with friends on my days off. I also love to make new friends every chance I get. I also enjoy fishing, motorcycle riding and listening to music.
Thank you so much taking your time to ready this and I welcome your feedback to make this site even better for others!